XGS1930-28 vlan trunking support


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  • Ace
    Ace Posts: 25  Freshman Member
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    You can remove all vlans (exclude default vlan 1) on your switch and enable vlan-trunking on the ports.

    Switch receives incoming packets with vlan tag will keep then forward to vlan-trunking ports.

  • Watershed
    Watershed Posts: 8  Freshman Member
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    Well, the first thing I did try when I first installed the switch, was only to check the box vlan trunking on port 25/26, which did not work.

    Now, I removed all VLAN config and only kept vlan trunking for these 2 ports and exclude them also from vlan 1 as you can see below. This is also not working.

  • Ace
    Ace Posts: 25  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    If your router only send the vlan 1 traffic then it may not be able to communicate between port 25/26 because your vlan 1 is setting forbidden on port 25/26.

    Could you share your mac table information? Go to Management > MAC table

    I think it will more clear what the vlan traffic is sending from routers.

  • Zyxel小編 Lucious
    Zyxel小編 Lucious Posts: 277  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Watershed

    Like @Ace said, your MAC table info on the switch would be helpful for us to understand the VLAN status in your environment so that we can make the crucial advise.

    How about we have some PM discussion for the detail if it's okay for you.


  • Watershed
    Watershed Posts: 8  Freshman Member
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    Hi guys

    Sorry I was out a few days due to public holidays and long weekend. I'll get back to the lab later today and we can continue via PM.


  • JasonZ
    JasonZ Posts: 1  Freshman Member
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    Unfortunately, I see that this thread is a year old and went to PM (instead of continuing the thread).  I recently purchased 3 GS1900-8 units to complement some existing TP-Link switches (TL-SG3424 & T2600G-28TS) and experiencing the same issue.  I've been following through this thread and unable to get any devices on the GS1900-8 to talk on the VLANs previously configured.  @Watershed were you ever able to resolve your issue?  If so, what does your final configuration look like?

    For my situation, the two TP-Links are trunked together, and then I have a single 
    GS1900-8 connected to a trunk port on the TP-Link, and the 2 additional GS1900-8 units connected through that.  All connected ports have the VLAN Trunk option enabled.  The device at the far end of the link has the PVID set to a non-1 VLAN.  As I'm resurrecting an old thread I won't go beyond those basics for the moment.

    Thank you.
  • Zyxel小編 Lucious
    Zyxel小編 Lucious Posts: 277  Zyxel Employee
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    edited July 2020

     The device at the far end of the link has the PVID set to a non-1 VLAN.
    Have you also set untagged VLAN membership for this specific device? in Configuration -> VLAN -> VLAN port.

    As we mentioned above, it'd be easier to figure out your issue if you can provide the MAC table for us (Monitor -> MAC Table) when issue occurred.

  • Humble
    Humble Posts: 4
    Hi, somehow I ended up in this thread trying to find out how I could properly configure my XS1930-12.

    I have tried to register with a number of other zyxel support platforms, but they seem to fail on me. mostly because I can't get any technical information.

    My setup is rather simple, I have a Fortigate 100F firewall with 2x 10Gbit over copper.
    Those are both connected to the XS1930, on port 9 and 10.
    I also have 4x Aruba AP515's for wifi access, connected on port 1-4.

    Some of the Ssid's and network kit is connected on an untagged VLAN1 (192.168.1.x range).
    there are also a couple of other networks on VLAN4, VLAN9, VLAN10, VLAN13.
    I have configured the XS1930 management interface both on VLAN1 and VLAN10.

    In most other equipment I have dealt with (Cisco, HPE, Fortinet, etc) it provides a benefit which ports to include for specific VLAN's.
    In my case I would want to receive untagged VLAN1, and VLAN4,VLAN9,VLAN10 and VLAN13 from port 1-4. Then I would expect to send it tagged as VLAN1,VLAN4, VLAN9, VLAN10, and VLAN13 to port 9.
    When I try to configure this as I am used to with other vendors, the switch seems to slow down in unexpected moments, and completely prohibit any connectivity.

    On the Fortigate I have separated untagged traffic (connected to port 9), and configured all the VLAN's on port 10, just to avoid any tagging issues there.

    Actually when I deleted everything from the VLAN configuration, things seem to work, so I'm going to test it as such.
    Still it would help me a lot to understand the Zyxel configuration parameters better, maybe know in what scenarios I would want to configure anything at all.

    best regards
  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    Hi @Humble,

    Welcome to Zyxel community!

    May I know your purpose is to setup VLAN1, VLAN4, VLAN9, VLAN10, and VLAN13 on port 1-4 & 9-10? And VLAN1, VLAN4, VLAN9, VLAN10 and VLAN13 packets from port 1-4 are untagged?

    By the way, I found you connect Fortigate 100F firewall with 2x 10Gbit over copper to XS1930 on port 9 and 10, may I know did you setup RSTP to prevent loops?
    If not, there might have loops since 
    2x 10Gbit over copper on Fortigate 100F firewall are might in the same LAN group.
    You may connect one 10Gbit over copper to XS1930 first and try again, if it works fine, you might need to setup RSTP on switch if you want to connect 2x 10Gbit over copper.
    Zyxel Melen

  • Humble
    Humble Posts: 4
    Hi Melen,

    thank you for your reply.
    The Fortigate has the 10Gbit interfaces configured on separate soft-switches.
    the first 10Gbit interface is configured natively in a single soft switch, and only carries the untagged traffic (untagged VLAN1). The 2nd 10Gbit interface is configured with the VLAN's which are all independently assigned to soft switches in the Fortigate. The untagged traffic is not assigned on this interface, and the interface doesn't respond to any traffic.
    Each VLAN has its own soft switch with IP range, DHCP server and outbound protocol settings. The different Wifi networks are also connected to the separate VLAN's.

    Btw, I have RSTP configured on all ports on the XS1930, and disabled MSTP on those ports.

    I notice that when I try to connect on the system console through VLAN1 it works most of the time, but through VLAN10 the connection barely ever works at all.
    It is my understanding this isn't a connection issue, as the following scenarios always work:
    Laptop -> AP -> VLAN1 -> XS1930 -> FW(Softswitch1) -> internet
    Laptop -> AP -> VLAN4 -> XS1930 -> FW(Softswitch4) -> XS1930(VLAN1) -> XS1930-console
    Desktop -> FW(Softswitch10) -> XS1930(untagged) -> AP(management console.

    I wonder if this has something to do with STP, or ARP, or just the XS1930 system console failing...