Secureporter traffic

IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security

Hi there,

I would like to know how much data is secureporter using for sending the log to the Amazon Cloud? It should be linked to number of user and traffic on the router but can we have an idea or check this traffic directly on the router, is there any QOS activated in the background for secureporter traffic ? I am concerned for our sites with slow internet connexion.




  • IT_Field_Support
    IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

    I think I have my answer. I found the gzip file in the secureporter interface under Log. These daily files really represent the quantity of data uploaded to the cloud ?


  • Zyxel_Cooldia
    Zyxel_Cooldia Posts: 1,483  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @IT_Field_Support

    It depends on amount of data in device. Device send log/data to cloud “every 5 minutes” or “every 10 MB”. No QOS in background for SecuReporter traffic, but no need to worry about slow Internet connection on your site, because we compress file before sending to cloud(10MB -> 250KB). 


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  • IT_Field_Support
    IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
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    Hi Zyxel_Cooldia,

    I was going to ask about the compression because 5mb log file is a 60mb uncompressed file but if it is compressed on the router before upload to secureporter it should be fine.



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