How can I forward an external WAN IP:PORT to internal LAN IP (no port desiganted)? Zyxel USG-20


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  • OldTiger
    OldTiger Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    My Authentication Policy is not enabled.  Are you suggesting enabling it and making a new rule?

  • CHS
    CHS Posts: 181  Master Member
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    It should be working when using 1:1 NAT.

    If it is doesn't not work, how about checking with the manufacturer of NVR or IP camera about the following questions?


    IP cameras are located on Internet and NVR is behind NAT router.

    Which port should be opened on NAT router for video stream from Internet to NVR in this scenario?

    Any other settings required to be set on IP camera and NVR?

  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,411  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @OldTiger,

    If you have two public IP addresses from the ISP, try to configure a bridge interface to bridge WAN and LAN interface so the NVR gets the public IP address.

  • OldTiger
    OldTiger Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    Only one IP. 

    I think my request here as far as the USG20 should be considered exhausted, unless anyone knows anything about the video feed/stream from IP cameras.  My post on September 20, 2019 8:57PM shows the working model of NAT that actually does forward the port as I originally requested.  With that config, I can locally type in a local LAN address of and it will direct me to an external IP of

    My problem is that for some unknown reason, the video feed/stream will not pass through as expected and I merely get a black screen where the video image should be.  If anytime has any suggestions PLEASE LMK!  I am considered an expert with IP-CCTV, but this eludes me.

  • zyman2008
    zyman2008 Posts: 225  Master Member
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    I think most of the camera or media player discovery protocol is broadcast or multicast packets.
    Which NAT only can process UDP or TCP unicast packets.

    I suggest to capture the packets between NVR and IP camera to check what's the traffic.
    That's easy to know the root cause.
  • OldTiger
    OldTiger Posts: 19  Freshman Member
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    Unfortunately capturing packets & checking them is beyond my knowledge.  If you care to give me directions, I would be happy to follow them.  I can do it on 2 identical IP cameras, one on the LAN and one on the WAN.

  • zyman2008
    zyman2008 Posts: 225  Master Member
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    This steps assume your NVR is under interface lan1.
    1. On USG GUI, go to Maintenance > Diagnostics > Packet Capture
    (1) Interface: select wan and lan interface
    (2) Host IP: select User Defined, and set IP address of NVR
    (3) Click Capture button to start 

    2. Go to your NVR GUI to add the IP camera on WAN

    3. Wait for 1 min. or NVR get fail. Go back to the USG packet capture page and click Stop.

    4. On Packet Capture > Files page.
    Select .cap file and click Download. It can select one file in one time to download. 

    Then you send the .cap file to Zyxel support to analysis.