(ZLD 4.35) SecuReporter Activation Walkthrough

Zyxel_Cooldia Posts: 1,518  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

Make sure your USG/ATP device is registered at myZyxel 2.0 and that the firmware has been updated to ZLD 4.35 or above. (ZLD4.35 will be available on 24th of October for ATP series)

ATP Series

You can activate SecuReporter via “Service Settings” in ATP Wizard, select the preferred settings, and click “Next” to complete your activation.

Device Name: You can rename this and it is registered on myZyxel.com

Organization: You can add this device under existing organization or create new organization.

USG Series

You can click the banner on the top of GUI, and click “Enable SecuReporter”

Select the preferred settings and click on “Complete and Close Window” to complete your activation.

Device Name: You can rename this and it is registered on myZyxel.com

Organization: You can add this device under existing organization or create new organization.