Upgrade to ZLD 4.35 fail (Zywall 310)

Niviteka Posts: 17  Freshman Member
10 Comments First Anniversary Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Security

When we try to update the firmware on Zywall 310, the firmware is downloaded, a reboot occurs and the entire firewall does not work. (wait for 20 min)

When we restart Zywall again, the old firmware is loaded, and the new one shows that it is not for Zywall 310, but for SHARE1100 ver 4.35 (YYYY.0) (as in the picture). We tried to update both automatically and through a local file. The firmware file was downloaded through the portal.myzyxel.com.

The result is the same.

Where to download the correct firmware file?

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  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,167  Guru Member
    Community MVP 2500 Comments Sixth Anniversary 100 Answers

    You can log in here


    select Firmware Download under Devices Management and find Zywall 310 firmware.

  • Niviteka
    Niviteka Posts: 17  Freshman Member
    10 Comments First Anniversary Friend Collector
    PeterUK said:

    You can log in here


    select Firmware Download under Devices Management and find Zywall 310 firmware.

    The firmware file was downloaded through the portal.myzyxel.com. The result is the same.

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