Why is CPU 30% on USG 210. Incoherencies in CPU statistiques

Posts: 21  Freshman Member
First Comment First Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
On the dashboard, the CPU is at 25%. But the graphic shows 40%. DEBUG SYSTEM PS reveals a sum of 3%. And CPU/MEMORY STATUS in DIAGNOSTICS reveals also about 3%. All APP WIRELESS features are disactivated. So I have 2 questions
1. why are there such incoherences in CPU stats ?
2. what is the real CPU ? and if it is 25% what service is concerned ?


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  • Posts: 382  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Connect to Web Console or CLI Console (after logged-in) and type "show cpu average". This is showing you the CPU utilization, devided for each core. Additionally you will see the most CPU occupying services of the USG.

  • Posts: 21  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    Interesting but it doesn't really answer the question about incohérences between CPU stats.
    What period is used for calculating the average ? 24 hrs ? Since last reboot ?
  • Posts: 1,405  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @frerealexis,

    When you enter the command on console, the value of the "CPU utilization" is the CPU (Core 0) usage at the moment you enter the command.

    For example, when I enter the command "show cpu status" at 17:00, the CPU utilization at the moment 17:00 is 3%.

    The average of CPU utilization of the previous 5 minutes (16:55-17:00) is 1%.

    Router> show cpu status

    CPU utilization: 3 %

    CPU utilization for 1 min: 0 %

    CPU utilization for 5 min: 1 %


    To monitor all cores of CPU usage, go to MAINTENANCE > Diagnostics > CPU/Memory Status.

    On the graph of CPU, the dot is generated by the average CPU usage of every 5 minutes. The dot is not generated by every second.


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