Zywall management pack for System Center Operation Manager (SCOM) 2016+

alexey Posts: 188  Master Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited July 2 in Security Ideas

Hi all. This is not question, this more solution.

In our organization we use SCOM for monitoring servers and some other equipment.

I wrote custom mp for monitoring our differents ZWs.

It collects memory & processor perfomance, creates alert if processor, memory or flash used high, if ZW has unconnected vpn tunnels and if it has not current firmware version (for current products & fw 4.35).

After importing mp in main view window you can see new directory Zywall

In active alerts tab you can see all alerts from devices, including messages about not actual firmware

In memory & processor usage you can see perfomance history of every device like that

In zywall devices tab you can see all your devices and its status

In zywall summary dashboard tab you can see summary information

Devices with hightest average process & memory load for last day & longest response time & all critical & warning alerts

I hope it will be helpfull for someone.

https://us.v-cdn.net/6029482/uploads/210/3CQAJILX2OUR.7z There was an error displaying this embed.

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