Question to the other users. Do you have similar problem?

Martin_Kuchar Posts: 38  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security

I am already tested workaround with Zyxel staff, but I want to know if also othe users here have similar problem. In system logs, with "debug" on, after some days from USG reboot, we see many error messages like this:

kernel: warn_alloc_failed: 17 callbacks suppressed

kernel: swapper/2: page allocation failure: order:4, mode:0x200020

The result is lost internal route for SSL VPN logged-in users. The users simply cannot see internal network, nor can ping internal computers.

This is some sort of memory allocation problem and I need to know if also others have this problem or it is only our case. We do not have extreme traffic. Just 15-20 people behind USG and 1-3 remote users. Internet usage is typical for office work, nothing special.

Thanks to all for research and reply,

Martin Kuchar

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