Port console connection

Yoz Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited April 2021 in Security


i have noticed curious connection to my USG 110 router.

Seems like someone had managed to log in as admin on the console port but without being physically on the site (there was no one on the site at the time this happened). Is it possible?

I have a trace of these connections in a log that I received by email. But then these traces were erased on the USG.

Excuse me if I am not clear. I need your help because I fear an intrusion or a hacking. I can provide elements of the log received by email if necessary.

Thanks in advance for help.



  • Ian31
    Ian31 Posts: 174  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Hi @Yoz,

    Since version 4.35 there a web console can connect from GUI.

    If the log show destination IP is, then it's login from physical console

    If the log show destination IP is, then it's login from the web console