USG310 - Initial Setup Wizard - A real step back

Rafff Posts: 15  Freshman Member
First Comment Third Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security

Hello to the Forum

After many and many years of smooth service we decided to replace our old USG300.

Since the USG300 worked well for us (except for few weaknesses we could live with) the choice went toward USG310.

The first contact was very-very-very disappointing...

Our replacement steps was: connect the new FW to the LAN, copy all configurations and then do the switchover at night. Unfortunately our program stumbled on the so lovely and well conceived "Initial Setup Wizard"

We have a broadband router that has been configured by our provider with only one access port which is, of course, connected to the old USG300 and, of course, we cannot disconnect it during working hours. We had not been able to get to the firewall dashboard until the USG310 had been connected to an internet access (thank you Zyxel).

This is least...

USG family is intended to be a professional I right?

Please tell us why we are obliged to complete a wizard and a registration form before we are able to use and configure our own firewall?

Please tell us why not to provide a simple, so simple, "SKIP" button with an acceptable warning saying "please register the product if you want FW updates and whatelse"?

This is something of unacceptable for this class of product. My first temptation was to put the firewall back in its box and send it immediately back to the dealer. We did not spend €.2000 to slam against an Android-like configuration wizard we cannot even skip.

I tend to think that Cisco ASA or other professional level products do not have such kind of dummy-oriented setup wizards...

This is a very bad backward step for Zyxel

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,342  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @Rafff

    Welcome to Zyxel community

    We want all users register their devices because after registered, the device can update the latest FW from

    However, the case should disappeared, when you are on setup guide, press next until third step and you will see Skip button(Click it). After that the Initial Wizard will not appear. 

  • Rafff
    Rafff Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Third Anniversary
    edited March 2020

    "We want all users register their devices because after registered, the device can update the latest FW from"

    Sorry this is not an argument. System administrators are well educated on how to update their devices and when to schedule that. Automatic updates are something good for Android phones not for business critical devices.

    By the skip button, even after pressing NEXT multiple times… Brand new USG310.

    Anyway, we have manged to do the registration...and just because the Customer insisted to stay on Zywall.

  • MikeForshock
    MikeForshock Posts: 44  Freshman Member
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    I am going to also say, this process is severely lacking. 
    Just give us the option to apply an existing config as well!
  • CHS
    CHS Posts: 181  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    My new FLEX100 firmware ran in 4.29 firmware in the first boot up.
    The WebUI redirected to initial wizard first, and want to upgrade the latest firmware.
    I guess it could prevent vulnerabilities those already fixed.
    For protect my network(job), the upgrade steps is deserved.
    Also Apple products required to login AppleID in first usage, it should be the same purpose.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    IMVHO there's a quite different goal between Apple policies for managing the devices and the best practices with security devices.