zyxel usg 60w vpn l2tp over ipsec session ends in 30 minutes.

Ered Posts: 14  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Security

I noticed that the connection to vpn will be lost. He began to understand, found a pattern: every time exactly 30 minutes and shutdown. Checked on other clients, the result is the same.

Router# show session timeout udp
UDP session connect timeout: 60 seconds
UDP session deliver timeout: 300 seconds
Router# show session timeout tcp
TCP session timewait timeout: 5 seconds
TCP session close timeout: 10 seconds
TCP session closewait timeout: 60 seconds
TCP session established timeout: 9000 seconds
TCP session finwait timeout: 120 seconds
TCP session lastack timeout: 30 seconds
TCP session synrecv timeout: 60 seconds
TCP session synsent timeout: 120 seconds
Router# show session timeout icmp
ICMP session timeout: 15 seconds

Tell me what and where to look?

Accepted Solution

  • Ered
    Ered Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Answer ✓

    It is resolved. The problem was user properties.

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