Watch Videos on How to Setup NSG VPN Connections Step-by-Step!

Nebula_Yvonne Posts: 55  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security

While some businesses, work places, and schools are interrupted by current events, you might find yourselves working from home. Here are some videos that help you set up VPN connections on NSG easily.

1.     Nebula NSG IPSec VPN Configuration - SecuExtender Windows Setup

This video covers on how to configure a Client to Site IPsec VPN connection on Nebula NSG series for Windows client users.


2.     Nebula NSG L2TP VPN Configuration - iOS Setup

This video covers on how to configure a Client to Site L2TP VPN connection on Nebula NSG series for iOS client users.


3.     Nebula NSG L2TP VPN Configuration - Android Setup

This video covers on how to configure a Client to Site L2TP VPN connection on Nebula NSG series for Android client users.