Ipsec site2site connection not shown on Status

jeffjohn1941 Posts: 71  Ally Member
First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security
Very confused as to why my SBG3300 Status screen is now not showing Ipsec VPN connection data and neither is Monitor on the Ipsec VPN tab.
The connection is working; I have remote LAN visibility and Ping! Refresh is at 20Secs.
Jeff J Purcell, New Forest, Uk and France, 44290

All Replies

  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 185  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    Hi Jeff, 

    Does your SBG3300's VPN status always not show IPsec VPN connection data?
    Which firmware version is it?


  • jeffjohn1941
    jeffjohn1941 Posts: 71  Ally Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    Hi Bob!  not 'the End of the World', just surprising.
    Has worked  as expected but now even when successfully connected Ipsec VPN, I had no indication on the Status page of SBG3300.
    I can't verify just now as remote end in France appears to have gone down (power cut usually ?). F/w is v1.01 (AADY.9).
    Don't worry! Jeff
    Jeff J Purcell, New Forest, Uk and France, 44290
  • Bob_C
    Bob_C Posts: 185  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    Hi Jeff, 

    Understood. I will have a look at my SBG3300's display when available. 



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