USG300 - How to make a DSL Connction?

Username_is_reserved Posts: 107  Ally Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Security
OMG where is my Post goes.... Again... I never used a DSL Connection and I dont know how to set that up. My Provider give me that Information: User ID + PW VDSL2 VLAN-ID: 31 Protokoll: PPPoE Where should/ have I put the VLan ID in? I forced them to give me a Zyxel Modem! I know I can/ have to set it up at: Network -> Interface -> ppp Can I should do something wrong? Thanks

All Replies

  • Ian31
    Ian31 Posts: 174  Master Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    There're many steps to configure for that. 
    Here what's I found from Zyxel KB, FYI.

  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
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    Go to Configuration>Object>ISP account, and fill PPPoE's Account/Password.
    Create the Vlan interface, and Go to PPP>Base Interface select Vlan profile and choose the ISP account you created.

  • Username_is_reserved
    Username_is_reserved Posts: 107  Ally Member
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    Ian31 said:
    There're many steps to configure for that. 
    Here what's I found from Zyxel KB, FYI.

    Thanks that work perfect. I wonder hat the work. ;)
    Its weird the Main Page show me the correct Adress but the "Interface Status" show me a different IP.
    Well I dont care since my IP is the WAN one.

    Another think I need to fix is the DSL Connection is only for some Service not for Surfing the Web.
    Sure I can block the traffic by the FW but the should not get there for the normal User.

    I know: Configuration > Network > Interface > Trunk

    So what should be routed via the DSL Connection is:
    a) a VoIP Phone
    b) some Service for some Ports
    c) a Internet (HTTP, Mail,...) Traffic for 2 IP Adress if the main Cable Connection fail fails.
    Is there a easy way for that? Well a Policy Route?
  • Jeremylin
    Jeremylin Posts: 166  Master Member
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    If you want to limit only some service go through indicated interface.
    Go to object to customize service or port to be group. Create the account which will be controlled.
    Go to routing, and set as below

    Failover for internet, just add two wan interface in the customized profile on trunk page

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