Why are there so many places to login to for ZyXEL information, support and firmware?

danyedinak Posts: 51  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
edited July 2 in Security Ideas
There are FAR too many places to login to for ZyXEL. 
  • FTP (for some firmware versions, like managed switches and access points)
  • Portal aka MyZyxel (for other firmware versions - mostly USG)
  • Business Forum - requires login through portal
  • Zyxel Support Campus - separate login entirely
  • vars.zyxel.com (anyone else had this stop working?) (Also, it should be "Forgot Password" not "Forget Password").
  • Digital River (going away?)
  • Nebula
  • What other sites am I forgetting?
Meanwhile, staying on top of vulnerabilities means manually searching pages like this one : 
I don't know about anyone else, but I was really hoping that the MyZyxel Portal was going to be the one stop login, at least for all firmware and support, and that we would receive emails from ZyXEL about new firmware versions and updates on vulnerabilities. Don't get me wrong, I can, eventually, find what I'm looking for; but it takes far longer, and more steps, than it takes with other manufacturers and the resultant increased support time is a little frustrating - both for me, and for my clients.

It's even more frustrating when these things don't work. Searching in this forum, for example, produces a "Something has gone wrong.
We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while." when using the advanced search for just a tag within a date range. 
I know there are those of us who would be happy to provide feedback on these issues, but the mechanisms need to be as quick and easy to access as possible. The more time it takes, the less likely people will be to take the time to provide relevant feedback.
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