USG FLEX Frequently Asked Questions

Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
The following sections covers product portfolio, license service and more.

Part1 Product Portfolio

Q1: Why USG FLEX? 
Zyxel is proud to announce the completely new ZyWALL USG FLEX series, tailored-made for SMB customer who is looking for worry-free security protection. Packed with top-notch threat intelligence, high performance UTM throughput, and flexible licensing options, USG FLEX is a competitive package that fulfill different needs: security protection, building encrypted tunnels between offices, and managing hospitality network with wireless access points. 

Q2: How do I select the right product?

For those who familiar with ZyWALL USG series, here is the model mapping of USG FLEX vs. USG:

Q3: Do you offer non-bundled USG FLEX?
Yes, we do provide hardware only for customers who do not need full-blown UTM functions and focus more on firewall, VPN, or hospitality gateway features. Here is the model mapping:

Part2 License Service 

Q4: How to buy/where to purchase a license?

You can purchase from our local resellers or go directly to our new E-commerce platform Marketplace after 1st of July, 2020.

Q5: Can I buy single license service?
Yes, you can choose single license including Web-filtering, Anti-Malware, SecuReporter Premium, Managed AP Service, Hotspot Management (USG FLEX 200/500 only)and Concurrent device(USG FLEX 500 only). Learn more about license details.


Q6: Can I activate individual service in bundle license one by one?
No, when purchasing a bundled license, once activated it will apply to all of licenses at once. We bound “Link Product” and “Activate License“ together to simplify the license activation process.


Q7: What license migration plan is available from USG to USG FLEX?

We offer easy migration plan for you to seamlessly migrate to USG FLEX series. We will pick your existing USG license with the longest remaining time as a benchmark and extend other USG licenses to that benchmark for free, and then migrate it to a 6-in-1 USG FLEX license pack. This is a one-time offer for every USG you own. Learn more information here.


Q8: How to migrate the licenses from USG to USG FLEX on MZC?

1.       Go to and login with your account

2.       Go to Device Management > My Device to select USG gateway you want to migrate.

3.       Go to Linked Services to migrate either UTM or time-based single license to USG FLEX. Click Submit button to complete

*Once you have migrated licenses successfully, your USG licenses will no longer exist in USG devices.


Q9: Why do I still have SecuRepoter on my USG series after migration to USG FLEX?
It’s a benefit for you to have our network reporting on your USG device. It doesn’t affect the use of SecuReporter on your USG FLEX.


Q10: After I migrated the license to USG FLEX from USG series, can I transfer the licenses back to USG series?

No, the license migration is irreversible.


Q11: Can I transfer bundled license one by one from USG FLEX to other USG FLEX device?

No, the bundled license cannot transfer one by one including UTM bundle, Hospitality bundle, and web filtering with Email security.


Q12: Are all USG FLEX licenses transferable?

Quantity based license including Managed AP and concurrent device upgrade, the behavior is the same with existing quantity-based license and can be transferred to other product line such as ATP series and USG series. Single license like Anti-malware can be transferred to same level device. However, Hotspot Management license (perpetual) is not transferable.


Q13: Can I link the USG licenses which are not activated on USG FLEX device directly? 

No, but you can go to myZyxel to link the USG device and activate that first, then migrate to USG FLEX devices.


Q14: What’s the mapping name of UTM service between USG and USG FLEX?

Q15: On USG FLEX, will the UTM bundle license have fully unlocked AP like ATP gold security pack?

No, you can buy time-based Hospitality Bundle (which include full unlocked AP) or buy APC license.


Q16: One time upgrade licenses (SSL), can I still buy upgrades to increase capacity like the USG? 

No, on USG FLEX, you have the full of unlocked SSL VPN without buying licenses. We also have increased number of Concurrent SSL VPN Connections based on the high demand for WFH. The Number of SSL VPN Users: USG FLEX 100: 30, USG FLEX 200: 60, USG FLEX500: 150.