NWA1123-AC-HD vs Samsung TV

Homelab Posts: 21  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
edited 2024 21 in Wireless
I just got my pair of NWA1123-AC-HD running at my home. I set them up with the same SSID for both bands - so a single SSID for the entire WIFI network.  My hope was that all of the devices would connect to the "best" radio/AP, 2.4GHZ or 5GHZ, based  on the client and AP capabilities.

I then tried connecting my 2-year old Samsung TV to the SSID but it could not connect.  I then renamed the 2.4GHZ SSID to something unique and successfully connected the TV to it.   I believe that the TV only supports 2.4GHZ.  Why would the TV not connect to my single SSID?

I realize that this is not a Samsung forum, but in general (and in this scenario in particular), is there any configuration I can do on the APs to make the Samsung TV properly connect to the 2.4GHZ band even if only a single SSID is present for both bands? 

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  • Homelab
    Homelab Posts: 21  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    edited 2020 09
    Thanks for the response. It turned out to be user error after all. I had multiple APs with the same SSID but did not use the same password for each.
    It is working great now.