L2 isolation is not working

Running_MAN Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited May 2024 in Wireless
I use some APs for my guests to connect and L2 isolation to avoid they can connect to each other when they come to my office.
Recently, I changed my configuration to add captive portal and redirect them for using a QR code to access internet. 
But, after I doing the captive portal setting, the L2 isolation is not working.
Shouldn't these two functions use at the same time?


  • Zyxel_Kathy
    Zyxel_Kathy Posts: 76  Zyxel Employee
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    Hi @Running_MAN

    The two function can be use at the same time.
    For your application, captive portal must redirect on controller.
    You might have encounter the condition like that.
    The tunnel mode is not allowed when using layer-2 isolation profile.

    You must set 
    1. Forwarding mode to Local Bridge.
    2. Change the topology let the traffic must go through controller to gateway.
    For example: WAN-----gateway----NXC---switch---AP ) ) ( ( client
