Locked out of USG210

jw708 Posts: 16  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
After updating the firmware I was asked to set a new password. I set a new password but I am unable to login. 

It looks very similar to this issue: https://businessforum.zyxel.com/discussion/1393/locked-out-of-my-own-usg110

The password did not have a $ but started with '

I have a copy of startup-config.conf but is there any way to get back in without having to factory reset?

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All Replies

  • jw708
    jw708 Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Thanks @Zyxel_Emily that worked.

    I still find this whole situation absurd and have not appreciated having to spend time at the weekend to be physically next to the device to resolve this. As others have suggested, this has been enough for me to avoid using Zyxel products again in future.


  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,405  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @jw708,

    Set a new password ''a12345 for admin after the password is expired when using the latest firmware, and I can successfully login as admin with the new password ''a12345.

    You can upgrade to the latest firmware and try it again
