Zywall 110 Inter-VLAN (intra-Zone) routing problem


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  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,338  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @Matthias_AUT,


    ZyWALL 110(P4)----(port 10)GS2210(port 2)-----PC1(

                                                               (port 3)-----PC2 (

    In my topology, ZyWALL 110 is connected to the switch GS2210 with one physical port only.

    P4 of ZyWALL 110 is connected to port 10 of the switch.

    PC1 is connect to port 2 of the switch.

    PC2 is connect to port 3 of the switch.

    On the switch, you need to configure vlan, untagged settings and pvid.

    You can consult your switch vendor about vlan configuration.

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  • Matthias_AUT
    Matthias_AUT Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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    Hi @Matthias_AUT,


    ZyWALL 110(P4)----(port 10)GS2210(port 2)-----PC1(

                                                               (port 3)-----PC2 (

    On the switch, you need to configure vlan, untagged settings and pvid.

    Hi Zyxel_Emily,

    Just to clarify, ZyWALL 110(P4)---(port 10)GS2210 has to be tagged, correct? I'm aware that the PCs can only receive untagged data and the corresponding Switch ports have to tag packets with the correct PVID.

    I'm in a campus environment, there are several switches between PC and the final layer 2 switch I've access to. The last layer 2 switch receives tagged packets of all 3 VLANs via switchPort 5 and forwards it to switchPort 4 (also tagged).

    ZyWALL 110(P4)--(tagged?)--(switchPort3)NetgearS3300(switchPort5)--(tagged)--unknownSwitch(es)--portX(PVID, untagged) -- PC1

    Thanks for your help,

  • Matthias_AUT
    Matthias_AUT Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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    I redid the configuration of the firewall from scratch, now almost everything is working as expected
    VLANs can communicate with lan1 and with each other with one exception:

    VLAN587 can ping and connect to all networks (outgoint) but no Network is able to connect into VLAN587; I tried both with security policy enabled and disabled;

    Any ideas?

    Best regards Matthias
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Do devices in VLAN587 have the gateway IP set?

  • Matthias_AUT
    Matthias_AUT Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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    Yes, devices receive Gateway from the VLAN587 DHCP Server, 587 devices can connect to the internet and other VLANs, but devices from other VLANs cannot connect to VLAN587 devices.
  • Matthias_AUT
    Matthias_AUT Posts: 10  Freshman Member
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    edited August 2020
    Hi Emily,

    Zywall can ping the PCs in VLAN587

    Other PCs (e.g. VLAN883) can only ping the Gateway of VLAN587 but not the PCs

    PCs from VLAN587 can ping PCs in all VLANs and even remote connect to them but other direction does not work...

    Thanks for your help!
  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,338  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Hi @Matthias_AUT,

    In the packet trace of vlan587, there is no reply packet from the PC

    It seems to be a problem with Windows Firewall or some other program blocking pings from remote networks.

    After you connect another PC and this one replies to the ping.

    Glad you have resolved it  :)

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