Zyxel LTE (WAH7608) is choosy on which sites load while not plugged in computer with USB.

Elaini Posts: 2  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited May 2024 in Wireless
Hey. The original problem I had something to do with the internet speed and double connections. I'm editing this question now because my problem has changed.

  • While the Zyxel router is plugged to my computer with a USB cable it works fine with nearly all sites but not with game apps (such as Lotro).
  • While the router is unplugged and only uses wifi only a very small number sites (such as Google or YouTube) even load and the rest won't load at all.
How can I make my router less choosy? I'm using it at home, after all.

All Replies

  • YeK
    YeK Posts: 150  Master Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Hi Sir,

    Did you monitor the status of power charge between these two scenarios? And can you please login to device and then check the signal when using wifi connection? 

  • Elaini
    Elaini Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    I have this problem figured out. I made settings specifically for the old router on this particular computer and I had to change its IPv4 settings back to automatic. I'm now using Zyxel as I'm typing so it's all solved.

    Thank you for your effort to help all the same. :)