Feature Request: Save System Logs to USB

chandan Posts: 72  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
Hello Zyxel team,

Request 1:
As the thread title says, I need the saving of logs in CSV or XLS format for which we will have more power to obtain the sort and filter option with the help of excel application. 

The only issue with the current saving procedure (*.log) is that it opens in text editor software and we can not use the filter option with this log file to view the logs more specifically for different users, different ip, Blocked history, warned history and all...

Request 2:
Download all the system logs as zip in one click with checkbox to select the logs in the side of the logs row..
Currently there is an option to remove all the selected files at a time but not to download them in a single go.

Request 3:
Ability to change the saving of logs in day wise or weekly wise.
So that system logs can be saved in day wise (as currently it is saving) or weekly wise (One log file for one week, i.e. Wk1-Sep-2020.CSV or can save in the format like 01-07-Sep-2020.CSV Format).

Hope you will consider these requests.
Please note: Request 1 is most required.
Please implement these above mentioned two features in your next firmware updates of USG firewalls.

