Amount of sessions in USG40

kelmi Posts: 29  Freshman Member
Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Security

My USG40 dashboard shows about 9000 sessions, while the amount of equipment is 20. When I go to Monitor->sessions it shows only some tens. There is no P2P or any kind of torrents in use. 

Pretty simple question, but I was not able to find the answer: how do I list all those 9000 sessions? If I go to WebConsole and write "debug system sho conntrack" it shows perhaps 100 sessions. 

EDIT: I found the answer, this question is not relevant anymore.



  • IT_Field_Support
    IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
    Fourth Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    Hi Kelmi,

    What is the answer please?

  • kelmi
    kelmi Posts: 29  Freshman Member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    Sorry, no answer to the problem, but I found answer, why Session Counter value differs from the active amount of sessions. Amount of sessions is increased. I replied to the other thread. 


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