ATP500 port forwarding rule always to 443

xkp68 Posts: 26  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
I m trying to create a port forwarding rule in my ATP500
I followed the instructions here:
So i created an External_IP Address Object with the Ip of my second WAN interface
and and Internal IP Address Object with the IP of a machine in DMZ.
The service i am using is HTTP_81 i created of my own.
But when i try to access 
i am not able to reach the machine and its service, what is most strange, in the event log i can only see
a line 
Category-Message- Source- Destination Note
Security Policy Control-from WAN to ZYWALL TCP, service default_allow_WAN_to_ZyWall Accept- clientip:port-External_IP:443- Access Forward

It seems like any call i made to http://mysecondpublicIp:81 is autmatically redirected to port 443.
No matter the priority of the Security Policy
And no matter if i have Redirect HTTP to HTTPs enabled or not in System->WWW.
I have an old USG 300 with the same rule, just a little different 
as i followed this:
and everything works fine as when i type
i can see the "Destination" in the log is to port 81 and not 443.
Any Advice?
Thanks in advance

P.S. Maybe this post should be a question? Any admin can modify it?


  • Jeremylin
    Jeremylin Posts: 166  Master Member
    First Answer First Comment Third Anniversary
    I have the internal server behind device as well.
    Here is as EX:
    Server support 81 port, and IP is
    Wan IP is 61.X.X.X
    You may configure below

    type public with port 81 to access local server
  • xkp68
    xkp68 Posts: 26  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary
    Thanks for the answer. 
    I have created the same rule, but what do you mean when you say "type public with port 81"?
    For now i have been able to solve the problem changing the port of "configuration->System->WWW->Service control->HTTPS" from 443 to another port.
    After that, i m able to reach the internal ip from internet typing http://mysecondpublicIp:81 without any problem.