What's New for ZLD4.60 patch 1 (available on Dec. 15)



  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi @bind

    So far we didn't enhance the SSL VPN performance yet. If you would like to better VPN performance you can choose L2TP. Because of the Vulnerability issue of CVE-2020-29583, we strongly suggest you upgrade to  ZLD4.60 patch1.
  • bind
    bind Posts: 5
    First Comment
    Hi Jeff, thanks. Enhance the ssl vpn performance would be a good thing. Any plans for that?
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Thank you for your suggestion, we will put it into our future development evaluation.

  • Hello,

    we run 2 ZyWALL 110 in HA Pro mode.  4.39 and 4.60 system runned Ok.  SInce we upgraded from 4.60 to V4.60(AAAA.1) we get zysh daemon crashes every day (see below). 

    At that stage Internet access and IPSec VPN connections are still working but it is impossible to make an https connection to manage the firewall or to make a SSL VPN connection.

    The only way to make the firewalls work again is to either do a Break + b + atgo trough serial console port for each firewall at a turn or to turn off and on power from both firewall devices.

    Any hint on how to solve such issue ?

    Unable to connect ZySH daemon
      command function history:
            0x10010dd8      argc:1  args:
            0x10010530      argc:1  args:
            0x10010a38      argc:1  args:
            0x10198250      argc:4  args:show users all
            0x10010c60      argc:2  args:exit
            0x10010dd8      argc:1  args:
            0x10010530      argc:1  args:
            0x10010a38      argc:1  args:
            0x102deee0      argc:6  args:show idp statistics ranking signature-name
            0x10010c60      argc:2  args:exit
            0x10010dd8      argc:1  args:
            0x10010530      argc:1  args:
            0x10010a38      argc:1  args:
            0x10078de8      argc:4  args:show interface base
            0x10255b08      argc:4  args:show zone binding-iface
            0x1007fc70      argc:3  args:show interface-name
            0x10079510      argc:5  args:show interface summary base
            0x10048320      argc:3  args:show port-grouping
            0x1022f440      argc:4  args:show device-ha status
            0x1022f618      argc:4  args:show device-ha mode
            0x10246f60      argc:4  args:show device-ha2 status
            0x1024a6c8      argc:4  args:show device-ha2 interfaces
            0x1024c790      argc:4  args:show device-ha2 mode
            0x100a2da0      argc:4  args:show interface cellular
            0x10010c60      argc:2  args:exit
            0x10010dd8      argc:1  args:
            0x10010530      argc:1  args:
            0x10010a38      argc:1  args:
            0x102faa28      argc:4  args:show firewall block_rules
            0x10010c60      argc:2  args:exit
            0x10010dd8      argc:1  args:
            0x103aa2f8      argc:2  args:run

  • later same day got an ATP200 running V4.60(AAAA.1) which crashed the same way :-( "Unable to connect ZySH daemon"
  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hi @Helpdesk_ITPhM

    It was fixed in the current release, the firmware download link will be shared with you in private message.