Zyxel Marketplace Selling Models Matrix (2025 February Updated )

Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

Zyxel Marketplace Selling Models Matrix

Auto-Activation: Auto Activate License on Device

Manual-Activation: Individual License Key Purchase

1 Minimum firmware version 4.60 is required

2 Minimum firmware version 4.32 is required

3 Minimum firmware version 5.32 is required

Last Updated: February, 2025

License availability is subject to the latest pricing policy


  • khidden
    khidden Posts: 1
    Why is this so difficult, I have been looking for a price for IDP and Anti Virus licenses for a half hour and just keep bouncing between different zyxel websites...  what a complete disappointment.
  • Napíšte svoj komentár
  • Why is it not possible to retrieve transparent information about licence pricing for each device? This is very disappointing :(