[091103]What is "F9BA"?

LaLa Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited September 2017 in Archive 2017-2020
Should user realize and need to know what the "F9BA" is? 
If it doesn't show from the start, why show it now and here in the central as an important title
If it was not important, why show it now?
By the way, the contrast is not enough for text over the image, even the warning below...
even if i change the background image, the problem with the readability...


  • Zyxel_Support
    Zyxel_Support Posts: 436  Zyxel Employee
    It is unique ID of Multy X which provided by system at the beginning. (Multy-last 4 digits of LAN MAC) And you can modify the name.
    About the contrast is not enough for text over the image, we will evaluate it. Thanks for your reported.