[091501]Time Scheduler is not working

pancho35m Posts: 72  Ally Member
Fifth Anniversary
edited September 2017 in Archive 2017-2020
Hi Team,

is there a chance to setup the date and time settings? The time scheduler seems not working proper.
I forbid wifi access from 20:00 up to 7:00 o 'clock. But the device of my kid is already connected by the ssid.
I created the group add the device there but it is not working

I think there is a wrong NTP Server or something else 


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Support
    Zyxel_Support Posts: 436  Zyxel Employee
    edited September 2017
    We will evaluate the feature about display the date and time to implement in the future version.

    Please kindly share your model of mobile device and Multy X app version.
    When you have set the time schedule, that mobile device still can connect to Multy X, but it cannot access to Internet. Is the device of your kid able to access Internet?
  • pancho35m
    pancho35m Posts: 72  Ally Member
    Fifth Anniversary
    edited September 2017
    We test it on several devices. Huawei 9 Android Version 7.0 and the APP was 1.1.8
    But we also test it on an iphone 7 with the latest testflight app you offered.

    The device of my kid was connected to the SSID and the device was connected to the internet.
    The device of my kid was a ipad2 
    The time scheduler was set every day from 20:00 up to 09:00


  • Zyxel_Support
    Zyxel_Support Posts: 436  Zyxel Employee
    edited September 2017
    Please kindly share your schedule setup and steps to clarify this problem.

    Do you tap blue button to enable Internet access after setup the time schedule?
    It means bonus, if the group is currently not permitted to access the Internet, you can tap the blue button to allow access Internet until the next cycle time schedule begin.

  • pancho35m
    pancho35m Posts: 72  Ally Member
    Fifth Anniversary
    I will check this after the updates this weekend and let you know