USG problem with port lock with NAT RDP

PauloJrMcz Posts: 3  Freshman Member
edited April 2021 in Security
Good morning, I would like to understand the reason for the several drops I'm having when linking the access from the outside to the inside using the NAT for an internal server through port 3389, that is the NAT was done right, but when trying to access from outside the network it rejects according to prints. What you need to do the most.


All Replies

  • Blabababa
    Blabababa Posts: 151  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary


    Had you configured the security polity to allow certain traffic going down? I found there's a FAQ in the Zywall/USG forum link. Here it is

  • PauloJrMcz
    PauloJrMcz Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Hello, I did not understand when you said decrease traffic, but this material that you indicated to me does not have much difference in what I did, what I'm trying to say is that even constructing the NAT rule, including your suggestion in the FAQ, still access from outside the network or only accepting the NAT within my network, follows image.

  • PauloJrMcz
    PauloJrMcz Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Interesting is that when I use the redirect in the default port 3389 and use the RDP service it works perfectly which is not working when I define an external port itself.