Geo IP

Sulcus Posts: 5  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security
I'm playing around with Geo IP, to block traffic from certain countries.

Do you need to setup an 'Address Rule' based on GEOGRAPHY for every single country you would like to block? Or it there a 'thick box' functionality hidden somewhere.

It's a bit of a time consuming exercise to create every single country you would like to block, and add them to a group. A wizard where you can thick the countries, and the 'action' would be a good alternative.


  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello Sulcus,
    Just double confirm your request,
    you want the feature which can make countries to be a group at once, so you dont need to setup an 'Address Rule' based on GEOGRAPHY for every single country then add them to a group.
  • ChrisGer
    ChrisGer Posts: 206  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    Hello Charlie,
    i think, you are right with your request confirmation. I can confirm his question and your confirmation information.
    it's not comfortable to create per country ONE address-object, and after this, you can create a address-group to add the GEO-IP based objects in the address-group object.

    Is there a FMO (Future Monde of Operation), where the GEO-IP objects are by default embedded and can be added to a address-group object. That can safe time and is a
    more comfortable handling the GEO-IP management ;)

    Best regards
  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello Sulcus,
    The request "the feature which can make countries to be a group at once", I would like to move your request to the ideas section.