inter vlan routing

CharlieGreg Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited August 2022 in Switch
I'm using Webmin/Linux as my router,  3 total nics(1 internet, 2 intranet(bonded mode 4)), GS1900-24.  I have eth3 & eth4 bonded as bond0(no ip address) with several virtual vlan interfaces such as bond0.10, bond0.20, etc.  All vlans can see all their members and the internet, but can not ping any other subnet.  What am I missing?


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  • Zyxel小編 Lucious
    Zyxel小編 Lucious Posts: 277  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Hi Charlie,

    We'd like to firstly clarify the question before figuring out the cause.
    Based on your description, the topology is roughly like below

    Your problem is VLAN10 cannot ping to VLAN20/30 (vice versa), but all NIC can surf internet?
    Could you also check your router if there is any specific ACL for those VLANs?