Zyxel GS1900-8HP: Configuration can't be saved

Dikki65 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
edited August 2022 in Switch
As I try to save a new configuration in the Webinterface of the Zyxel 1900-8HP, it does not work. If I, i.e., change the IP-Adress from "manuel" to "DHCP" and click on "Save" I get the confirmation "Configuration saved", but actually it wasn't saved. If I first click on "apply" the system hangs up and I have to start the Switch again.

Is there anyone who has an idea what I'm doing wrong?

Best Regards, Dirk


All Replies

  • Barbarossa
    Barbarossa Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Fifth Anniversary ZCNE Nebula Level 1 Certification - 2019
    If you are talking about deleting the settings when you turn off and turn on it, click "Apply" and then click on "Save" button. You can see the "Save" button on the upper right side of the page.
  • Dikki65
    Dikki65 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Thanks, but I'm not talking about deleting the settings. It's for any change. If I click on the "Save"-button, I get the confirmation about saving (Configuration saved), but if I first click "apply", what's for my opinion necessary for any change, the system hangs up and I can't click on "Save" anymore. 
  • Zyxel小編 Lucious
    Zyxel小編 Lucious Posts: 277  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Hi @Dikki65

    For starters we'd like to explain the difference between "Apply" and "Save".
    Apply means to make your change take effect.
    Save means to write your current configuration into the device memory so that you can get the same configuration after you reboot the device.

    In your case, after "change the IP-Address from manual(static) to DHCP ", you should click "Apply" first to let DHCP take effect and then the switch will get a dynamic IP instead of the static one (this is why you mentioned "system hanged", no access in fact). When you restarted the switch, the management IP became back the original static IP because no configuration had been saved ever since you "Apply" the change.

    The correct way is that you should find out what dynamic IP the switch get (can use ZON utility or check DHCP server) after the switch been set as DHCP, and change your PC's IP to the same subnet then access to the switch to "Save" the configuration.
    Frankly it's not recommended to use DHCP as management IP for the switch since you may lose all connection once the DHCP server is down.

    Hope it helps.
