Zywall USG 1100 captive portal not showing up on iOS devices

Bel Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited April 2021 in Security
Here is a tricky question. We configured a Web authentication on our Zywall 1100 so that we could authenticate clients from a specific network (Wi-Fi) using external Radius server. It works great on Android devices and when you connect to Wi-fi and try to open any page using http. It redirects correctly to authentication page. 

But there are 2 issues: 
When you try to open some website using https, it does not redirect to required service since there is a certificate mismatch.
But what more troublesome, the iOS devices does not show a captive portal at all. 
I also suspect, that this is a https related issue.

I contacted support, but they send me to Apple %)

Where should i dig? 

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  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hello Bel,
    For this case,
    the mechanism of Web captive portal support http only, so please follow correct setting to avoid this situation occur.
    Go to Configuration >System>WWW>Disable "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS" and the clients will be redirected to authentication page(Mobile) after connected with SSID. The PC user need to type ex: www.yahoo.com on browser, and then will be redirect to authentication page.

    Secondly, I tested the IOS device(iphone 7, IOS version 10.2) locally, and it can be redirected without  any issue.