How to set up time-limit of one LAN cables - USG20-VPN

Bjarne Posts: 1
edited April 2021 in Security
We have bought a  new USG-20.

I want to limit the access for one of my children on one of the LAN. 

I have the following guide, - but its not enough for me to do the set up, sice I am a beginner in this area..

1. Create two different schedules (one for MON-FRI, 1 for SAT + SUN ) under COnfoiguiration > Object > Schedule

2. Go to Interface > Network > Ethernet select the interface you are using (check under interface > network > Port role which port is assigned to which interface)

3. Scroll down to "Static DHCP Table" and make an entry for the client (e.g. IP, MAC AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)

I recommend to set the IP to and then enter client MAC address

 4. Go To Object > Address and add a HOST object with Client IP

 5. Then go to Firewall and create firewall rule which looks like this:

 Can someone made this guide better , so that private people understand ??

