Zyxel AP Configurator - File Transferring Failed

pitschr Posts: 1
edited May 2024 in Wireless
Dear community.

I am owning WAC6103D-I and today I am trying out Zxyel AP Configurator and set up the SNMP Get Community accordingly. My access point could be found using discovery.

However, when clicking on "Next" button I credential prompt and entered my admin credentials. But after that I am getting an error message "File transferring failed" and title "FTP Error" (without any further details). The credential prompt is not appearing anymore - that is why I guess that my given credential were correct. I also tried with starting AP Configurator as windows admin. I also enabled the firwall for AP configurator without any restrictions.

However, I have no idea what the issue might be. Any idea what I should check to get it working?

KR, Christoph


All Replies

  • Hedy
    Hedy Posts: 7  Freshman Member
    First Comment First Anniversary

    This might be caused by the FTP service on the WAC6103D-I was turned off. 
    If you can access the WEB GUI, please go to CONFIGURATION > System > FTP, and enable the FTP service.
    If you only have the access of the SSH/console, you can use CLI command to show the status.
    Router# show ip ftp server status
    If "active" is no, please use the CLI command to enable it.
    Router# configure terminal
    Router(config)# ip ftp server
    Router(config)# write