Zywall 110 with a T-mobile Connection in the Netherlands

WintersICT Posts: 1
edited April 2021 in Security

I am new to this forum.
I have searched everywhere but couldn`t find an answer for my problem so maybe i could get help in this forum.

I have a T-Mobile fiber connection in the netherlands for internet en iptv.
I recently purchased a zywall 110 very cheap and want to configure the connection on it.

The Vlan are as follows.

Vlan300 = internet
Vlan640 = IPTV

Both Vlan come in to the wan port.

Vlan300 is easy i need to make a Vlan under configuration -> network -> Vlan and set it to external and in the zone wan, baseport Wan1 and an get automatic ip.
This works and i have internet access and also very stable and fast.

Vlan640 is a different story this also comes in at baseport Wan1 but when i make a Vlan640 it is getting an ip adres but then the internet connection goed down ( i do see that both have an ip adres )
Maybe it is because i need to make a bridge between vlan640 and the local lan interface where the tv box is plugged in to.

So i made a br1 between:
interface Type: External
Zone: Wam
Member: Vlan640 and IPTV ( This is port 3 on the zywall.)
And still dont get any tv reception but the br1 interface now has the ipadress.

I am at a loss what i am doin wrong maybe some has any idea.

Thanks in advance


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