The upgrade issue from 4.25 to 4.30

System Posts: 38  Admin
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Security
edited April 2021 in Security
This discussion was created from comments split from: [Release Note] Zywall USG Series - V4.30 firmware has been released!.


  • GreasyMonkey
    GreasyMonkey Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary

    The upgrade of my Zywall 110 to V4.30 (from 4.25 patch1) was a total failure - first time in many firmware upgrades that I have run into problems.

    Initially on re-boot there was no configuration file loaded, so I could not select any menu's, or do anything.

    I then used the serial port to go through the "recovery method", which did not work, and has resulted in the basic IP connectivity to no longer function - a dead box.....

    Can anyone guide me as to how to do a "fall-back" to the older 4.25 patch 1 firmware, so I can recover my network?
    I have tried to re-load the .bin file from 4.25 via the "recovery method", but it keeps booting back into 4.30

    Any guidance or advice as to how to get the system back to a working, stable release would be greatly appreciated.
  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello GreasyMonkey,
    In you case,

    We suggest that you can still use firmware v4.30 to do firmware recovery by following the SOP which is mentioned in the release note page 84. The issue you met should relate to v4.30 firmware upgrade. Secondly, clean the browser's cache, and check configuration menu again.Thirdly, to make sure the uploaded bin file is complete, so I will PM you the 4.30.bin file.

    Our current design is that the "cloud helper" only support device with formal released firmware, however, if the device is not using formal released firmware, you still can download the latest formal released firmware from myZyxel, and upgrade it locally.

  • ChrisGer
    ChrisGer Posts: 206  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    edited December 2017
    Hello togehter,
    i've updated also a USG from 4.25-p1 to 4.30 release. the update from USG firmware was successful... but.... the internal memory was to low to update also the firmware for the attached CAPWAP APs :( so i had to download and delete old backups from the config-files.

    After the first reboot with the Firmware v4.30 the device did not respond so i had to reset the device and upload the latest running config v4.25-p1 to the usg for restoring the device and the config.
    Is there a possibility to safe the startup.conf to a attached USB stick at the USG (perhapse trough a cron job (zysh script) ?
    or download the firmware for CAPWAP AP's to the USB stick to safe the internal memory ? (any FMO in place for this) ?

    Best regards
  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello ChristianG,
    Do you mean after you upgrade firmware 4.30, the internal memory (flash usage)is nearly full(below picture)? 
    Moreover, after you upgraded completely, because of USG no respond, you need to reset device and upload the your configuration again, right?
    May I know which model do you use, and I would like to check locally, so please pm me your configuration.

    For your questions, the configuration cannot be saved to USB by script, so it only can be download manually. Secondly,  the firmware for CAPWAP AP cannot be download from USG and save to USB.
  • ChrisGer
    ChrisGer Posts: 206  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    edited December 2017
    Hello Charlie,
    the upgrade from 4.25-p1 to 4.30 is done manualy by downloading the firmware trough and uploading to the USG). That was working, but require about 30 minutes for the complete update. A default device reboot takes 15 minutes.

    After downloading and deleting the backups from my USG, the screen display the following values.

    The memory usage in my screen is standard usage in operation (55%).
    The CAPWAP-Firmware is displayed/marked in the following screen:

    If there is no possibility to push a startup.conf file to a stick or remote device (e.g. sFTP)....
    Is there any feature request existing, to run a zysh and push the conf-files to a remote device to have no manualy activities for this process ?

    I've a USG Performance-Serie device with Dual-AP on board.

    Best Regards
  • jvingaard
    jvingaard Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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    I have also updated a USG from 4.25-p1 to 4.30 release. The update of USG firmware was successful ... but since all my wireless devices had problems with the connection i downgrade
    two 4.25-p1 and all worked again.

  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello Christian,
    As I checked locally with default configuration, I uploaded firmware 4.25 patch 1 to 4.30, and there is working normally without any issue. Therefore, please pm me your configuration, so I can check and analyze it. Moreover, as I mentioned the configuration only can be upload and activate manually.
  • ChrisGer
    ChrisGer Posts: 206  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    have you also CAPWAP APs in production, that are managed by your USG?
    Cause as i described, in my case, the CAPWAP AP firmware update was required to get successful back in operation with my CAPWAP APs.

    If you are not useing CAPWAP APs.... can you in short topics describe your configuration?


  • parnassus
    parnassus Posts: 13  Freshman Member
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    Hello, reading this thread I am - for the very first time - a little bit scared to deploy Firmware update from 4.25 Patch 1 to 4.30 (no matter if using a Local or Cloud Firmware update approach) so my question: is it safe to proceed or not [*]?

    I have three sites (USG110, USG40 and USG60) all deployed with 4.25 Patch 1 (Running/Standby images) interconnected with VTI VPN and more USG40/USG60 units working on other sites without VTI VPN (some have IPSec VPN and SSL VPN configured but nothing site-to-site), they are all working flawlessly and they were all updated without issues since at least first  theirs 4.15 or 4.20 releases.

    Should I proceed as usual by updating the Standby image and reboot on that one (backing up configurations before starting the update procedure)?

    Thanks, Davide.
  • ChrisGer
    ChrisGer Posts: 206  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    i preffere to download the firmware from myZYXEL and upload this localy to the USG in the standby part.
    i've a very stange configuration (filesize about 600k), several vLANs, CAPWAP AP configuration and a fully UTM configuration on this USG.
    The firmware update was successful but the next reboot crashed my USG and i've no idea what's wrong. :( to get the USG up and running asap, i had to reset my USG and upload the last conf-file (v4.25) and checkup my DNAT from the extranet to a internal DMZ.

    Good luck :)