Problems with Windows 10 Clients

HotelGratz Posts: 2  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited May 2024 in Wireless
We are using the following items:

- USG 210
- WAC6503D-S
- WAC6103D-I
- GS1900-10HP

All AP's are configured the same way. Everything works fine for all Android and Apple Clients. But if we have Clients using Windows 10 (phone, tablet, laptop) then the WLAN connection is also established but all of these clients do not have access to the Internet. They have identical IP address range, they have identical DNS records, they have identical subnet masks. No one knows why?

Any help appreciated. We also checked with our provider, no problems detected from their side. They suppose there is an error with the drivers ? Any other informations about this?



  • Zyxel_Kathy
    Zyxel_Kathy Posts: 76  Zyxel Employee
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited January 2018
    Hi @HotelGratz

    What's the windows device's wireless connect security type? 
    If you use the 802.1x authentication, then our AP doesn't support TTLS+PAP for windows 10.
    I suggest you set network profile with EAP-PEAP + MSCHAPv2 on the windows 10 and check it.
    If the way is invaild, please provide the controller's configuration and AP diagnostic info which has windows device connection fail log. Thanks.


  • HotelGratz
    HotelGratz Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    Thanks for your reply.

    Let me try to understand please:

    1) We have spent a lot of money for USG and many Access-Points for our hotel WIFI-network.
    2) We have many happy clients that are using Android and Apple devices.
    3) All clients that use Windows 10 clients are upset because they can connect to the WIFI network but do not have access to the Internet.

    We should now configure every single client that is using Windows on his phone or laptop to use some kind of a different authentication ? This is beyond our time and know-how. We are not able to change anything on the clients systems.

    We want you to give us a solution as your seller told us that there will not be any problems with Windwos clients. You also write on your website that you support Windows 10 clients.

    So kindly send us a solution for USG or AP side and not for client side.

  • Zyxel_Kathy
    Zyxel_Kathy Posts: 76  Zyxel Employee
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    Hi @HotelGratz

    According to our experience, the hotel Wi-Fi network may not use WPA2-Enterprise(802.1x) authentication for guest using. It seems that the problem is not related the 802.1x authentication type.
    To get more information, could you provide us the USG configuration and tell us which SSID is for guest using? I will check it.
    If you have other platform device has the network issue, please also provide to us. 

  • ChrisGer
    ChrisGer Posts: 205  Ally Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    Hi @HotelGratz
    Have you a full Licensed USG running ? why?
    I've a fully UTM licensed USG ... but for Windows10 i had to create a different App-Filter-Profile, to get successful and with a minimum of approved App-Pattern online with Windows10 (released build).
