Port forward

JMF Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited April 2021 in Security
I´m new here. I have one Zywall20 USG VPN after one Thomson TG585 configure with bridge. I need no forward a port 9000 to an internal IP. I do everything explain in tutorial, creating a NAT rule and a policy rule, but not working. On the dashboard of the zywall on the WAN port it show me an IP like ( TG585 is ) . My Zywall as the IP I can not access too my Zywall remotely. Any help ?

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  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Hello JMF,
    I want to confirm with you that do you mean you cannot remote access to the USG's internal Ip with port 9000? If so, please confirm the below steps.
    Go to configuration> NAT

    Go to Object> Service to create the profile of port 9000

    Allow Wan->Lan1 with port 9000

    Or if you cannot remote access to USG, please follow below steps.
    Since the access session is blocked by firewall, so let client can access zywall by creating rule on firewall. Please follow an example as below.
    Go to WWW >change the server port to 11111 and press apply

    Go to the service create the new service

    Go to policy control> create the rule wan->zywall and select "wantozywall" service which I created on service field.

    At last, press your wan ip with port number"11111"

    Note: If there is NAT router before the USG in this topology, you need to configure NAT rule to make traffic flow into internal device.

    Moreover, please share the topology of this case with IP address.

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