GS1900-8 switch randomly reset/reboot (Fixed)

ansani Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited August 2022 in Switch
Hi guys,
I'm having really a bad experience with a Zyxel Switch GS1900-8.
It keeps rebooting without any valid reason. I upgraded to last available firmware (2.40) but nothing, still same issue.

On syslog I don't get any message. Just "WARNING" "reboot"

Any help ?


  • JasonTsai
    JasonTsai Posts: 104  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    Hi @ansani,

    Welcome to Zyxel community!

    Since this case will need some more detail information from you, I will PM you later.

    Thanks for your cooperation.
  • DennizOlof
    DennizOlof Posts: 20  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Sixth Anniversary
    ansani, can you test the unit with another AC adapter. You could have a faulty power supply. Make sure it is the save 12 volts, and minimum same amps, or more. Also check the polarity so you do not make any mistakes.

    Otherwise is sounds like you could have a faulty unit and you should return it or exchange it for a new one.
  • Chris2404
    Chris2404 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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    edited February 2018
    I'am having the exact same problem: Random reboots. But my syslog shows nothing. I also do not have another power adapter i can try. My gs1900-8 is just a few days old.
  • CrazyTacos
    CrazyTacos Posts: 53  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    glad I am not the only one having this problem! 
    Tried changing cables and rebooting the router then realize the switch was undergoing reboots. 
    But strangely enough, I noticed that the GS1900 was only rebooting when it remains connected to my router...

    anyone else having this problem and using the Fritz Box 6490 home router?
  • Chris2404
    Chris2404 Posts: 6  Freshman Member
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    edited February 2018
    i too have the fritzbox 6490. it seemly doesn't reboot when not connect to the router. but i am not so sure. only tested for a few hours.
  • DennizOlof
    DennizOlof Posts: 20  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Sixth Anniversary
    Chris2404, if you unplug the switch from the network, no cables connected, and have you then tried the reset button. So you can reset the router and then reconfigure it or hook it up to the network.

    Does it still reboot ?

    Also have you tried other ports, I do not know how many things you have connected but the switch does have two realtek chips, one for each four ports. You should try port 1-4 and if that does not work, try port 5-8 just to confirm there is nothing wrong with the chips and that you still have the same problem.

    Is there any way you can be logged into the switch from a laptop or computer, then hook if up to the network to see if it does reboot. Or if there is something else, that the switch is not getting a IP from the network or there is some conflict etc.

    I know you can activate logging but I do not know how to do that, you will have to check the manual for that.
  • JasonTsai
    JasonTsai Posts: 104  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
    edited February 2018
    Hi @Chris2404,

    Welcome to Zyxel community!

    It seems there may be some packets from the router to let the switch has this symptom.
    I will PM you latter to get more detail information about your problem from you.

    Thanks for your cooperation.
  • ComSaCom
    ComSaCom Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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    I have here also a Unitymedia Docsys connected FB6490 with firmware 6.50.
    I connected on LAN the GS1900-8 and at other Port on GS1900-8 some devices.
    In my Case the Switch it´s not rebooting (observe over 3 Days).

    What the real configuration on FB6490 and also on the switch and what used so at LAN on Switch ?

  • TomorrowOcean
    TomorrowOcean Posts: 60  Ally Member
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    I have a GS1900-8 (firmware just upgrade from V2.30 to V2.40) too but no such reboot issue.
    My topology is [Zyxel USG]---[GS1900-8]--- LACP---[NAS].
    (NAS model is QNAP TES3085U, firmware version:

    After I read you guys' discussion above, it seems like Fritz Box maybe not the only reason to let GS1900 reboots because @CrazyTacos and @Chris2404 have the issue but @ComSaCom don't.

    May you guys share your topology so that we may discuss what is in common and the difference?
    Maybe, it is related to the downlink(other end devices) together while the Fritz Box is the router to trigger the reboot symptom.

    Does anyone have any other idea?
  • CrazyTacos
    CrazyTacos Posts: 53  Ally Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    My setup is pretty simple.
    NWA1123      - GS1900-8 - FritzBox 
    Apple TV       -
    Desktop PC   -

    I disconnected the fritzbox and GS1900-8 before going to bed and no reboots occurred when I went to check in the morning. 
    Even stranger was no reboots occurred when only the fritzbox was connected to my GS1900!
    Even even stranger... I noticed that a reboot occurred a few minutes after shutting down my PC...