Limit internet traffic on Quota basis

chandan Posts: 72  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
edited July 2024 in Security Ideas
Hello all,
As the thread title says, can it be possible to limit the internet traffic on the quota basis?

Means, Once the assigned internet traffic quota is exhausted for the specified period the internet speed will reduce or the firewall will stop giving access internet to the particular client.

To be more clear, Let us say
Daily traffic quota: 2GB, Speed limit: 20mbps, New speed limit: 2mbps

So for a day, user will get 20mbps internet speed until 2GB of allowable traffic is available. Once the traffic quota (2GB) for a day is exhausted, the speed limit will reduce to 2mbps.

In another case, there may another option, after the allowable traffic is exhausted, there will be no internet for him at all.

So zyxel team, can you please consider this feature to include in the firewall.
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  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,300  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @chandan

    Thank you for your feedback.

    I will put your suggestion into Ideas category for future development evaluation.