Getting the Custom Block Page Working

itxnc Posts: 102  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
Ever since 4.6 came out, we've been trying to test out the custom page, but the logo image is always broken. The URL it's going to is the external IP of the router instead of the internal one. Since Port 80 is blocked external... And the color styles don't work either (because the CSS link does the same thing) 

Same for the Content Filter page. I wasn't sure if we were missing some weird NAT-Loopback thing or something. Then, I finally figured it out. For security reasons - we always disable the HTTP admin server since we only access/admin via HTTPS. But the block page is using HTTP to load the image and style sheet, so you don't run into certificate issues. So you have to enable the HTTP service:

Just be sure to add that Rule #1 deny to disable HTTP based admin (especially if you have guest networks!!!)

After that? The malware block page works great:

Though the Content Filter page doesn't show the logo or style sheet:

Would you believe it's because uBlock is actually blocking the image? I can't even begin to imagine why - but confirmed that the 1 blocked item the shield indicated was my WAN IP address. What is the CF block page doing to trigger that, that the malware block page is not? But in a browser without uBlock, the Content Filter block page works great.

Anyway - hope this helps some of you get the custom pages going.

Now - if we could add an optional text box between the block warning and the footer to include support contact info like we can do on the Login Page (the Note Message)
