USG20W-VPN Wifi Still Dropping - Firmware update not working.


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  • moonmoth
    moonmoth Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
    edited November 2019

    Hi all, after trying to use an alternative Wireless Firewall made by another Tiawanese company (Draytek) I went back one last time to the Zyxel USG20W-VPN. When it worked it was great so I thought I'd give it another go now that there has been another firmware release.

    Updated the firmware plugged it all back in and waited. Sure enough after a day the Wireless connection dropped again. Even with a fixed channel it was still dropping once a day. We have about 40 Wireless networks around us so I suspect its some kind of contention issue.

    Anyway, I had a root around and decided to switch it exclusively to the 5G profile which has a wider range of channels and has a range just fine for the size of our office. Hey Presto - rock solid Wireless and no drop outs. I don't know if that helps anyone else but that was what fixed things for us.

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    40 networks into nearby are like... 3 times the channels available. On 2.4ghz it's quite a mess, and i don't know if wireless adapter of USG devices supports Beamforming or not, which helps a lot into messy environments.