Problem with one computer using SSL VPN with USG 110

Hoongks Posts: 17  Freshman Member
First Comment Fifth Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
One of my users have problem with connecting to the USG110. I cannot figure out and all other users so far have no problem Below is the log from secuextender :-1:

[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Request(110): INITIAL 47 1741203648 4294967295 29927616 134744072 0 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get netsh path = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get ipconfig path = C:\Windows\system32\ipconfig.exe
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] FlushIpNetTable on interface = 47, error code = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Adding an IP/netmask ip = to interface 47 using the Win32 IP Helper API, uNTEContext = 3360124, status = 5010
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Trying to flush previous address
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] delete_temp_addresses context = 1741203648
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] delete_temp_addresses status = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Adding an IP/netmask ip = to interface 47 using the Win32 IP Helper API, uNTEContext = 1741203648, status = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] WriteFile hPipe success agentState.aState = 2, agentState.aError = 0, dwWrite = 8
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Request(132): CREATE 1862379712/1053188162 47 1741203648 4294967295 29927616 0 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] ACTION_CREATE pNetCfg->myip = 1862379712, pNetCfg->gwip = 1053188162, pNetCfg->dwIfIndex = 47, pNetCfg->nodeip = 1741203648, pNetCfg->localip = 29927616
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] argc = 8
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] areacounter = 1
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Remove prioritize routing
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Succeed to delete Route: (
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Succeed to delete Route: (
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Fail to prioritize route to,, error = 5010
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Fail to prioritize route to,, error = 160
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Success to change default route
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Failed to add route (160) metric=50
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Succeed to add route (0) metirc=500
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Succeed to add route (0) metirc=500
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get netsh path = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] g_OSType = 602
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe, lpszParam = interface ip set address "Ethernet 2" static, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] interface ip add route "Ethernet 2" nexthop= metric=50 publish=yes store=active
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:04 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe, lpszParam = interface ip add route "Ethernet 2" nexthop= metric=50 publish=yes store=active, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:05 ][SecuExtender Helper] WriteFile hPipe success agentState.aState = 3, agentState.aError = 0, dwWrite = 8
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:05 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get netsh path = powershell
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:05 ][SecuExtender Helper] Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet 2" -InterfaceMetric 8
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:05 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = powershell, lpszParam = Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet 2" -InterfaceMetric 8, dwExitCode = 1, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get netsh path = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] interface ip delete dnsservers "Ethernet 2" all
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe, lpszParam = interface ip delete dnsservers "Ethernet 2" all, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] interface ip delete winsservers "Ethernet 2" all
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:07 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe, lpszParam = interface ip delete winsservers "Ethernet 2" all, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:09 ][SecuExtender Helper] interface ip set dnsservers "Ethernet 2" static primary
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:09 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:16 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:16 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:16 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe, lpszParam = interface ip set dnsservers "Ethernet 2" static primary, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:16 ][SecuExtender Helper] interface ip add dnsservers "Ethernet 2" index=2
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:16 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:17 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:17 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:17 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe, lpszParam = interface ip add dnsservers "Ethernet 2" index=2, dwExitCode = 0, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:21 ][SecuExtender Helper] Request(102): REMOVE 1862379712/1053188162 47 1741203648 29927616
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:21 ][SecuExtender Helper] Remove Routing
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:21 ][SecuExtender Helper] Remove prioritize routing
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:21 ][SecuExtender Helper] Get netsh path = powershell
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:21 ][SecuExtender Helper] Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet 2" -InterfaceMetric 30
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:21 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute start.
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] ZyShellExecute WaitForSingleObject() result = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] GetExitCodeProcess
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] lpszFile = powershell, lpszParam = Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet 2" -InterfaceMetric 30, dwExitCode = 1, dwError = 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] Failed to read from client(2): 109, 0
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] Start to Disconnect pipe...
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] Shutting down a pipe connection instance...
[ 2020/05/27 21:04:23 ][SecuExtender Helper] ==============================

Any one with any advice?

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Regarding to the message of Secuextender.helper,
    there is SSL VPN disconnect log, however, we need the secureporter.log to understand what cause the session down.

    Therefore after issue occur,
    1. Please Go to My PC>Local Disk C
    Collect "SecuExtenderHelper.log"
    2. and then Go to My PC>Local Disk C>Users>select the file of account which you login
    Collect "SecuExtender.log" 
    Also, if possible, can you plz share the console dump(during issue occur), and diagnostic information(after issue happen)

    Please provide message the information for check further. 
  • Hoongks
    Hoongks Posts: 17  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary
    Attach is the whole secuextenderhelper log for the same information send earlier. For console dump are you referring to the USG 110 console?
  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    The attached file you shared is SecuExtenderHelper.log,
    can you also private message the "SecuExtender.log" as well
    Go to My PC>Local Disk C>Users>select the file of account which you login.

    For the console dump (during issue occur) which is referring to the USG 110 console.
    On tera term, please Go to File>Log>Click Save>and private message me the disklog file.