USG40w - Some SSL VPN users can send byte but do not receive

Timm Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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edited April 2021 in Security

I configured a SSL VPN on my USG40W with FirmWare 4.33
I can personally connect to the SSL VPN using SecuExtender, ping one server and I see, in the Network Traffic Statistics, transmitted: 10Kbyte + Received 240 Byte
Everything works fine for me.
I'm on Windows 7

One of my colleague which is on Windows 10, can also ping the server and everything works fine.

But 2 of my colleague which are on Windows 10, have issue.
They can connect to the SSL VPN (I see their connection on the router), but when they ping the server, the number of byte transmitted increase but the number of byte received stay at 0

Further more, when I ping their IP address from inside the network, the number of byte received increase on their SecuExtender.

I don't understand what is going wrong.
It works for me.
So what can I do to troubleshoot this issue ?


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,411  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @Timm,

    On Windows 10, disable “TAP-Windows Adapter” and enable it.

    After SecuExtender is connected, ping one PC in LAN of USG40W. For example, ping continuously.

    Check the status of “TAP-Windows Adapter” and see if there are accumulated data for Sent and Received.

    As long as the SecuExtender is able to access the internal servers an there are data for sent/received, the tunnel is working.

    Besides, the firmware 4.33 is kind of old version. We suggest you upgrade USG40W to the latest version 4.39.

  • Timm
    Timm Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    We fixed the issue by disabling other VPN software installed on the PC.

    Thanks for your help.