Restrict VPN access to one resource

dmmichael Posts: 16  Freshman Member
First Anniversary First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security
Goodmorning everyone.

How can I make sure that a user who connects to my network in vpn can access only one server? (example on a server with ip

Thank you

All Replies

  • dpipro
    dpipro Posts: 65  ZCNE Certified
    First Anniversary ZCNE Switch Level 1 Certification - 2020 ZCNE Nebula Level 1 Certification - 2020 ZCNE Security Level 1 Certification - 2019
    Hello @dmmichael,

    Is it a ZyWALL Series? Just configure a Security policy rule from IPSec_VPN to LAN

    Best regards
    Best regards
  • dmmichael
    dmmichael Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    Hello dpipro

    Zyxel USG210
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Inactivate rule IPSec_VPN_Outgoing and SSL_VPN_Outgoing depending on the VPN type then you can make your own rule.
  • dmmichael
    dmmichael Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    Ok. I try Thanks
  • dpipro
    dpipro Posts: 65  ZCNE Certified
    First Anniversary ZCNE Switch Level 1 Certification - 2020 ZCNE Nebula Level 1 Certification - 2020 ZCNE Security Level 1 Certification - 2019
    PeterUK said:
    Inactivate rule IPSec_VPN_Outgoing and SSL_VPN_Outgoing depending on the VPN type then you can make your own rule.
    As PeterUK said:
    Here is an example,

    After disable the default policies you must create a rule IPSec (IPSec_VPN to LAN) or SSL (SSL_VPN to LAN) with the as the IPV4 Destination address 
    Best regards
  • dmmichael
    dmmichael Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    edited February 2021
    forgive me, I forgot to tell you that I already have an active ssl vpn, if I try to create a second one, the one above I asked you, it doesn't work. Maybe there is a limit to VPNs? licenses or other?

    Thank you
  • krp
    krp Posts: 5
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    can the nsg series do this too? or will it reguire usg series
  • dmmichael
    dmmichael Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited February 2021
    Solved. Thank you for support

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