Zyxel USG20-VPN Cannot connect to the VPN

Nberga Posts: 3
Friend Collector

I'am trying to configure VPN IPSEC on the Firewall but can't seem to put this to work.

My configuration:
Zyxel EThernet Lan 1 IP
Router connected to Zyxel Wan Port with Wan IP Internal
Lan1 Connected to the network switch

VPN configurations:
VPN Gateway
Interface - wan
Dynamic Address
Encryption - AES192
Authentication - SHA256
Key Group - DH14

VPN connection
Remote Access (Role Server)
VPN Gateway - The name i gave it
Local Policy - Lan1_Subnet

And That's it.

Hope it's understand 

All Replies

  • Nberga
    Nberga Posts: 3
    Friend Collector

    Router has DMZ for the Zyxel.
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,342  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments


    Could you share your network topology?

    What is the firmware version you're currently using?

    As your description, the Wan interface and Lan interface are in the same IP subnet.

    Please change your LAN interface into other subnet. Ex :

    And make sure the VPN configuration on both site are correct.

    After change the subnet of LAN interface, if the VPN connection cannot build up.

    Please provide us the configuration of the VPN settings on both devices.

  • Nberga
    Nberga Posts: 3
    Friend Collector

    Thank you so much for your answer.
    We already changed the Subnet, we tested the Lan2_Subnet that already is configured in the Zyxel for testing purposes.

    We've changed the port 2 to use the Lan2_Subnet.
    We reconfigured VPN settings to use the Lan2_Subnet

    So, now we have

    Zyxel WAN -
    Lan2_Subnet -

    VPN configurations:
    VPN Gateway
    Interface - wan
    Dynamic Address
    Encryption - AES192
    Authentication - SHA256
    Key Group - DH14

    VPN connection
    Remote Access (Role Server)
    VPN Gateway - The name i gave it
    Local Policy - Lan2_Subnet

    Still no connection....

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,342  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @Nberga

    May I know what is your firmware version?

    Could you share your network topology? If you have any concerns, you can private message us.