How to change ipsec vpn port for use with secuextender

iSpeed Posts: 110  Ally Member
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I have an existing server that runs on port 443 and would like to enable ipsec vpn with secuextender.  I ran the vpn wizard, but when I try to connect via secuextender it fails at no server detected.  I assume problem is existing 443 use. How do I change the port and can I use wizard or do I need to do manual setup?

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Which USG model do you have and is it upto date?

    You can change the SSL VPN port in VPN > SSL VPN global settings tab and SSL VPN server port

  • iSpeed
    iSpeed Posts: 110  Ally Member
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    Peter, It's an ATP200 running latest 5.02 firmware.  I'm looking for IPSec / Secuextender setup rather than ssl vpn.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    IPSec / Secuextender does not use port 443
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,351  Guru Member
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    AFAIK IPSec (and L2TP related) do not support different ports at all (500, 1701, 4500 UDP). Biggest downside for IPSec to me.

    SSL instead (i mean... OpenVPN with a Zyxel skin) currently allow change of port (443) and without sharing it with admin interface
  • iSpeed
    iSpeed Posts: 110  Ally Member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    Thanks guys. I ran the ipsec wizard and securextender would not connect. I was assuming it was because I am using port 443 for another application. Guess I'll have to troubleshoot wizard elsewhere. Error was server not available.
  • Jeremylin
    Jeremylin Posts: 166  Master Member
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    If use IPSec VPN client application, even the port 443 was occupied, the VPN should be connected, since as mMotana mentioned, IPSec VPN client running service port(500, 1701, 4500 UDP).
    Was the Error message "server not available" from the log message? If so, share the screenshot of the log message which related with VPN profile.

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