Zywall-usg-20w firmware upgrade path

Before jumping into this and performing the firmwareupgrade I would like to ask what the upgrade path is for a Zywall USG 20W that is currently running Boot Module: 1.18 and Current Version: 3.30(BDR.9).

When trying to download firmware for the device I get presented with 465ABAR1C0.bin / C(ABAR.1)4.650

Can I simply jump to the latest or is there a path I need to follow?


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All Replies

  • Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    edited September 2021
    Unfortunately no: USG20W don't support Firmware 4.x.
    You should have USG20W-VPN for using 4.x firmware.

    In any case..  you can download the latest WK48 lab firmware for latest fixes.
  • Posts: 11
    Friend Collector
    edited September 2021
    Thanks for your reply. So, I can jump directly to "USG 20W 3.30 BDR"?  ....or am I already running it....inside the zip the file is named: "330BDR9ITS-WK48-r74988.bin"
  • Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    My current USG20W has been updated from BDR9 to BDR9 WK48 without any problem.

    It won't hurt to have a backup of the configuration before upgrade.
  • Posts: 1,311  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @h3ctic

    You can update the firmware to v3.30P9 (WK48) directly.

    Before upgrading the firmware, please remember to backup your config file.


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