Content filter ATP out of office

ticsystems Posts: 79  ZCNE Certified
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Hi everyone. I would like to be able to apply content filtering outside of the office. I need a safe browsing of my clients. Is there a possibility with DNS filtering?

All Replies

  • MJStar
    MJStar Posts: 37  Freshman Member
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    Hi everyone. I would like to be able to apply content filtering outside of the office. I need a safe browsing of my clients. Is there a possibility with DNS filtering?
    Can you describe more specifically about "to apply content filtering outside of the office"? Don't realize your use scenario very clearly.

  • ticsystems
    ticsystems Posts: 79  ZCNE Certified
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    MJStar said:

    Hi everyone. I would like to be able to apply content filtering outside of the office. I need a safe browsing of my clients. Is there a possibility with DNS filtering?
    Can you describe more specifically about "to apply content filtering outside of the office"? Don't realize your use scenario very clearly.

    hello and sorry.
     I mean having the atp series content filter when I have an employee at home.
  • MJStar
    MJStar Posts: 37  Freshman Member
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    MJStar said:

    Hi everyone. I would like to be able to apply content filtering outside of the office. I need a safe browsing of my clients. Is there a possibility with DNS filtering?
    Can you describe more specifically about "to apply content filtering outside of the office"? Don't realize your use scenario very clearly.

    hello and sorry.
     I mean having the atp series content filter when I have an employee at home.

    Oh~~~so you would like to establish VPN connection(e.g L2TP , SSL VPN) from your home to company's ATP and whether ATP's DNS content filter can restrict this VPN access what kind of content just like you are in office ;) ?
  • ticsystems
    ticsystems Posts: 79  ZCNE Certified
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    MJStar said:
    MJStar said:

    Hi everyone. I would like to be able to apply content filtering outside of the office. I need a safe browsing of my clients. Is there a possibility with DNS filtering?
    Can you describe more specifically about "to apply content filtering outside of the office"? Don't realize your use scenario very clearly.

    hello and sorry.
     I mean having the atp series content filter when I have an employee at home.

    Oh~~~so you would like to establish VPN connection(e.g L2TP , SSL VPN) from your home to company's ATP and whether ATP's DNS content filter can restrict this VPN access what kind of content just like you are in office ;) ?
    Good Morning.
    What I want is to somehow apply dns filtering outside of office and vpn.
  • WJS
    WJS Posts: 156  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Hi ticsystems

    I can work dns filter via VPN user (L2tp over ipsec)

    client would got ip pool

    Let CNN,facebook response 

    set two policy ( source : vpn pool , dst any(exclude zywall)  and zywall ) 
    #I used advance profile, But the meaning is the same
    anyway, just apply the dns filter


  • MJStar
    MJStar Posts: 37  Freshman Member
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    @ticsystems Just as @WJS mentioned that. You can add security policy with content filter profile to restrict the VPN IPs that can access what kind of internet content :3 .

  • ticsystems
    ticsystems Posts: 79  ZCNE Certified
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    Thank you very much for your reply but I don't think you understand me.
    I know how to apply content filtering to IPsec clients. What I want is when they are not connected to the VPN.
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    @ticsystems IMVHO... how the firewall could run that services... without the client connected to it?
  • ticsystems
    ticsystems Posts: 79  ZCNE Certified
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    Already solved!!
  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,421  Guru Member
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    Would you please share the path for the solution? :-)